“I never paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality.” Frida Kahlo

Mississippi Art Colony offers two 5-day sessions a year. The Spring Colony is held the last week of April and the Fall Colony is held the last week of September. Registration begins at 2:00 on Monday with departure day on Saturday. This artistic retreat in a beautiful, natural environment provides inspiration, space and time for individual focus and exploration coupled with expert feedback for professional development.
2-5pm Arrive and check-in at Registration Desk
6:15 – Happy Hour meet and greet
7:00 – Dinner followed by Guest Artist introduction and comments

Tuesday: 8:00- Breakfast 9:00-12:30 Curate and judge the Traveling Show 12:30 – Lunch 2:00 -5:30 – Studio time, Artist visitation rounds 6:00 – Happy Hour! 7:00- Dinner 8:00- Guest Artist Presentation
Wednesday – Friday Day Schedule
Repeat of Tuesday’s daily schedule minus traveling show events.
Thursday evening:
Artists may bring a painting from home for instructor to critique.
Friday Evening:
The banquet begins at 6:00 with happy hour in the Dining Hall.
Saturday Morning:
8:00 – Breakfast and departure
11:00 Check-out
Clean and pack up.